New Mass Times Do Not Take Effect Until Jul 10-11

Please note, that our new Mass times here at St. John Neumann WILL NOT start UNTIL the weekend of July 10-11. Starting that weekend, we will offer Masses at 5:00pm on Saturday, and then at 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am, 2:00pm (Misa en español) and 5:00pm on Sunday.  Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue through this period of transition.

Tenga en cuenta que nuestros nuevos horarios de misa aquí en St. John Neumann NO COMENZARÁN HASTA el fin de semana del 10 al 11 de julio. A partir de ese fin de semana, ofreceremos misas a las 5:00 pm el sábado, y luego a las 5:00 pm del sábado, y luego a las 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am, 2:00pm (Misa en español) y 5:00pm el domingo. Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión a medida que continuamos a través de este período de transición.

Campamento Vocacional

Sunday, June 27, 2021

“El Maestro está aquí y te llama.” (Juan 11:28)

¿Qué es? Un campamento vocacional en español e inglés para jóvenes de 9 al 12 grado. Habrá reflexión vocacional, contacto con la naturaleza, deporte, amistad y convivencia, oración, testimonios personales de sacerdotes y seminaristas, y más.

Fechas: El 27 de junio al 1 de julio de 2021

Lugar: Hunting Ridge Retreat. Salida del parroquia All Saints el domingo a la 1:00, regreso el jueves a los 4:00.

Registrate aqui.

Contacto: Padre Mauricio Pineda, 703-393-2154, o la Oficina de Vocaciones (se habla español)

Fecha limite para registrarse: el 20 de junio.



Women Giving Back Clothing Collection – June 19/20

Donation Opportunity: Women Giving Back

Women Giving Back provides clothing and other necessities to women and children as they rebuild their lives after leaving situations/ homes of domestic violence.  Women Giving Back serves over 700 women and children a month and is continuously in need of donations as their outreach has spread throughout the Greater Washington Metro area. This 501c3 non-profit organization supports women and children in crisis and serves as the first step towards stability by providing quality clothing at no cost, assisted by a caring and committed community.

What: Please consider donating washed, gently used women’s and children’s clothing and shoes (medical scrubs and maternity clothing are especially needed).

 When: Saturday, 6/19/2021 and Sunday, 6/20/2021

 Where: Drop off donation items in The Women Giving Back labeled box in the church hall lobby. The box will be collected on Sunday (6/20/2021)                                                                                       evening.

***Please do NOT donate: car seats, strollers, toys, furniture, adult books, event- specific t-shirts, used swimwear, used socks or underwear, bedding, men’s clothes.



Seasons of Wellness – “Improved Sleep for Seniors”

“Sleep is critically important for seniors’ physical and emotional well-being. It is when our bodies renew, repair, and boost immune function. Sleep is our “quiet warrior,” helping us fight disease,

depression, memory decline, even weight gain. Join SJN Parish Nurse Susan Infeld RN and Dana Rizzo RN from Waltonwood Ashburn Senior Living Community for another ZOOM “Seasons of

Wellness” educational event on Friday, September 4, at 10:30 am. Sleep doesn’t just “happen.” Join us to learn how better sleep can be a life-changer. e-mail to register.

Bird Walk With the Care for our Common Home Ministry

Our Care for our Common Home Ministry is sponsoring a Bird Walk, in celebration of Laudato Si Week, on Monday, May 24 following the 9:00am Mass. If you are interested in joining the walk, please meet representatives of the ministry outside the front doors to the Church at 9:30am. Please bring binoculars if you have them. The ministry hopes you will be able to participate.

Inspired by the Church’s call to care for creation and the urgent need to address the environmental crises, the CCH Ministry is committed to fulfilling its role to help each of us be a thoughtful steward of creation. Awareness and appreciation of the natural beauty in our own SJN backyard are valuable steps in building an effective response to the Laudato Si Encyclical released by Pope Francis six years ago. For more information on Laudato Si Week check out Click here to read the encyclical.



WorkCamp 2021 Revs Up

On Sunday, May 16, the 2021 St. John Neumann’s WorkCamp crew began preparing to make a difference in the lives of others in June, as they met for the first time to “break the ice” and to begin the necessary work to become a cohesive team. Please pray that God will guide and bless these young parishioners and their adult leaders as they get ready to work.