Palliative Care vs. Hospice – What’s the Difference?

Palliative Care is NOT “hospice with lipstick”.

Palliative Care is a fairly new specialty practice dedicated to the relief of pain and suffering and improved quality of life for patients with serious illness.  Palliative Care practitioners are dedicated to the support of patients who may be Hospice appropriate, but who are continuing to seek” curative” treatment for their disease. Hospice patients seek aggressive comfort care after evaluating the benefits vs. burdens of “curative” treatment measures .  The “goals of care” of each specialty are to help manage symptoms such as pain, difficulty breathing, anxiety, fatigue, even nutrition. So at the end of the day, hospice is palliative care, but palliative care isn’t hospice. So what are  other differences (such as insurance, accessibility, and qualifications)? Join our Parish Nurse Susan Infeld RN and Dana Rizzo RN (from Waltonwood Senior Living) for another lively ZOOM “Seasons of Wellness” presentation on Thursday 11/4 at 10:30 am. This is an important discussion for ALL adults to attend. To register, e mail Susan at