The Buses Are Running Again on Sundays/ Los autobuses vuelven a circular los domingos

St. John Neumann is once again providing bus service to the 11:30 and 2:00 (Spanish) Sunday masses. We have contracted with Chariots for Hire to provide service as follows:

11:00 a.m.          Pick up at Hunters Woods Fellowship House, 2231 Colts Neck Road, Reston

11:15 a.m.           Pick up at Thoreau Place Condominiums, 1951 Sagewood Lane, Reston

11:25 a.m.           Drop Off at St. John Neumann for the 11:30am Mass

12:45 p.m.          Pick up at St. John Neumann

– Drop off at Thoreau Place

-Drop off at Hunters Woods Fellowship House

1:40 p.m.             Pick up at Safeway at Hunters Woods, 2304 Hunters Woods Plaza, Reston and drop off at St. John Neumann for the 2:00 p.m. Spanish                                         Mass

3:15 p.m.             Pick up at St. John Neuman and drop off at Hunters Woods Safeway

John Neumann vuelve a ofrecer servicio de autobús a las misas de 11:30 y 2:00 (en español)los domingos . Hemos contratado a Chariots for Hire para proporcionar el servicio de la siguiente manera:

11:00 a.m.            Recogida en la Casa de la Comunidad de Hunters Woods, 2231 Colts Neck Road, Reston

11:15 a.m.             Recogida en Thoreau Place Condominiums, 1951 Sagewood Lane, Reston

11:25 a.m.             Dejar en St. John Neumann para la misa de las 11:30

12:45 p.m.            Recogida en St. John Neumann, con entrega en Thoreau Place y la Casa de la Comunidad de Hunters Woods

1:40pm                  Recogida en Safeway at Hunters Woods, 2304 Hunters Woods Plaza, Reston y entrega en St. John Neumann para la misa en español de las                                  2:00 p.m.

3:15pm                  Recogida en St. John Neumann con entrega en Hunters Woods Safeway


Congratulations to the Knights of Columbus Council 7566 Scholarship Winners

Three Students Receive 2021 Knights of Columbus Scholarships

The Family of Man Council 7566 of the Knights of Columbus is proud to announce our 2021 Scholarship recipients. The Council congratulates Sarah Bunker, Cathleen Diana Papas, Christopher Scott, and for their achievement and contributions, awarding each a $1,000.00 scholarship. All three of this year’s recipients highlight an important teaching of St. Francis De Sales: “Be Who You Are and Be That Well”.

Each of the winners excelled in academics in High School while giving back through volunteering and service in school, church, service Organizations, and community projects. Please join us in congratulating the winners and wishing them the best in their educational pursuits, conquering the challenges of life, and building a future through hard work while continuing the journey of growing in their Faith! May they always be “The Best They Can Be”.

Getting the News at St. John Neumann

If you ever catch yourself wondering what’s going on around the parish, here are some ways you can satisfy that curiosity:

  1. Visit our “Weekly Bulletin” page at the top of or subscribe to our bulletin e-mail service here.


  1. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter, published on the first Saturday of each month. To subscribe, visit and scroll to the bottom of the page, the subscription form is on the right side.


  1. Follow us on Social Media, Facebook and Instagram at St. John Neumann Catholic Community, and on Twitter
    at RestonSt, we update these frequently throughout the week.


  1. Don’t forget about our Narthex Screen, right above the Parish Welcome Desk, on your left as you enter the building. The screen
    highlights all of our upcoming events.


We have the news! We hope you are getting it!


Travel to Germany to see the Oberammergau Passion Play

Parishioners Tom and Maggie Carter are coordinating a trip in September 2022 to see the world-famous Passion Play of Oberammergau, which is produced in that Bavarian town every 10 years. The 2020 play was postponed until 2022 by the Bavarian government due to the pandemic. The 11-day Alpine pilgrimage to Germany, Switzerland, and Austria will take place September 12-22, 2022. In addition to the Passion Play in Oberammergau, the itinerary includes visits to Heidelberg, the Rhine Valley, Munich, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Altötting, and Marktl am Inn in Germany; Lucerne in Switzerland; and Innsbruck and Salzburg in Austria. The tour fee of $4,179 includes air fare from Washington, D.C., accommodations at first class/select hotels, admission tickets to the Passion Play, most meals, a professional tour director, and service charges. This trip continues a St. John Neumann tradition, as groups of parishioners attended the Passion Play in 2000 and 2010. Fr. Don Heet will be joining our 2022 pilgrimage. Flyers are available in the Narthex. For a detailed brochure, contact Tom at 571-643-9440 or For more information on the Oberammergau Passion Play, click here.


Parking Lot Update

If you are attending Mass this weekend, you will notice our parking lot paving process is continuing. Starting Friday, July 16, you will be able to park in the upper parking lot, however the Lower Lot, Church side-lot, and Rectory lots will still be off-limits as the work on them continues. Please use an abundance of caution while navigating the lots, and please have patience while we are finishing the project over the next few days and weekend. Weather permitting, the parking lot will return to “normal” on Tuesday, July 20 if all goes well. A quick prayer to St. Vincent Ferrer, patron saint of pavement workers, would still be quite helpful.

Would you like to help fellow parishioners prepare for the test for US citizenship?

St John Neumann is hoping to offer classes and tutoring for parishioners – and others – who are preparing to take the Naturalization Test as part of their effort to obtain US citizenship.  We need volunteers to help in designing the program, administering it, teaching the classes, and tutoring students.

The Naturalization Test consists of 100 civics questions that citizenship applicants must be prepared to answer when they take the test. When they take the test, they will be asked ten of the questions.

  • Teachers and tutors should have enthusiasm, some familiarity with US history and the US Constitution, and a desire to help people become US citizens.
  • Instruction is based on the 100 questions that are on the Naturalization Test.
  • The program also will need volunteers to help organize and implement it.

If you are interested, please contact John Dister at

Ayude a otros feligreses a aprender a hablar español/Would you like to help fellow parishioners learn to speak Spanish?

St John Neumann espera ofrecer español instructivo para los feligreses que deseen aprender el idioma o mejorar su familiaridad con él. Esta puede ser una manera de construir puentes y relaciones con las personas en la parroquia para quienes el español es un primer idioma.

Para hacer esto, necesitamos ayuda en el diseño de un programa que atraiga a todo tipo de estudiantes, aquellos que saben español pero que quieren ser más versados los que quieren aprender habilidades básicas de conversación, y los que quieren aprender el idioma de arriba a abajo.

También necesitamos voluntarios para enseñar y ayudar a ejecutar este programa. Si desea ayudar en este esfuerzo – diseño, administración o enseñanza – por favor póngase en contacto con John Dister at


St John Neumann is hoping to offer instructional Spanish for parishioners who would like to learn the language or improve their familiarity with it. This can be a way to build bridges and relationships with people in the parish for whom Spanish is a first language.

To do this, we need help in designing a program that would appeal to all sorts of learners – those who know Spanish but who want to become more conversant, those who want to learn basic conversational skills, and those who want to learn the language from top to bottom.

We also need volunteers to teach and to help run this program. If you would like to help in this effort -designing, administering, or teaching – please contact John Dister at


Help Fellow Parishioners Learn English

Are you interested in helping people learn to speak English? Would you like to help build relationships of trust and friendship here in the parish? St John Neumann’s English as a Second Language (ESL) program needs volunteer teachers, teacher assistants, administrative help, and conversation coordinators for the fall.

  • Our small ESL program thrived through Zoom during the pandemic shutdown, and we would like to expand it.
  • We will provide you with books, teacher resources and lesson plans, and any help you may need. NO foreign language or teaching experience is necessary or even desired.
  • You will connect with students based on your schedule and students’ availability.
  • If you feel uncertain about your ability to teach or use Zoom, we will help you.

We also need volunteers to help administer the larger program that we envision, especially in the areas of publicity, record keeping, and finances.

Lastly, we need volunteers to help facilitate regular Conversation Groups that will be part of our expanded program. This involves meeting with students, either over Zoom or in places that are convenient for all, on conversation topics that are announced in advance.

Interested? Please contact John Dister at

Scenes From WorkCamp 2021

From Monday, June 21 to Thursday, June 24, the St. John Neumann’s WorkCamp crew, composed of 28 young people in grades 9-12, and 26 adults, worked on five project sites around Herndon and Reston as part of the Diocese of Arlington’s WorkCamp program. The week started with training on June 19, and then starting on June 21 the students began their work. Camp wrapped up on June 24.

Birthday Gift Sign Up for the Kids at Laurel Learning Center

Please consider signing up to purchase a birthday gift for the kids at the Laurel Learning Center by clicking here.  Clicking the link will take you to a Signup Genius page, where you can choose what gift you would like to purchase. It’s easy to sign up, purchase the gift at your convenience, and have it sent to Linda Preston. She will wrap and deliver to the kids at the center in time for their birthdays. This time will be the last online sign-up for the Birthday gifts. We will go back to the original way of choosing gifts in September, where people select physical tags, wrap the presents, and return them to the church’s lobby. Thank you for your patience and continued participation in this ministry!