World Down Syndrome Day Celebration

On Tuesday, March 21, we celebrated World Down Syndrome Day. Our keynote speaker was SJN Parishioner and Eagle Scout Leo Weeks, an advocate for the Down’s community. Leo discussed his Eagle Scout project, the construction of a mini-library style box with 24 Rosaries and 24 copies of the “A Scout is Reverent” handbook. The day also featured a celebration walk and food trucks.

SJN Black History Month Celebration

On Friday, February 10, we held our SJN Black History Month celebration. Our keynote speaker was Bishop Roy E. Campbell, Jr., from the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. Bishop Campbell spoke about how he went from being a businessman to now a Bishop. The world-famous St. Augustine Gospel Choir provided musical selections, including a rousing rendition of “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” also known a the Black National Anthem. A reception followed the program.

Possible Construction of a Columbarium

After inquiries from many parishioners over the last several years and having discussed the possibility with the Parish Finance Council, we are looking at proposing to the Diocese a project to construct a columbarium on the property. A columbarium is a reverential storage for holding the urns of cremated remains of the deceased. We welcome any feedback from parishioners on the possibility of having a Columbaria here at SJN. Please provide your comments below.

Posible Construcción de un Columbario en SJN

Después de las consultas de muchos feligreses en los últimos años y de haber discutido la posibilidad con el Consejo Financiero de la Parroquia, estamos considerando proponer a la Diócesis un proyecto para construir un columbario en la propiedad. Un columbario es un almacén reverencial para guardar las urnas de los restos cremados de los difuntos. Agradecemos cualquier comentario de los feligreses sobre la posibilidad de tener un columbario aquí en SJN. Por favor, proporcione sus comentarios debajo de.

An example of a Columbarium.