Travel to Germany to see the Oberammergau Passion Play

Parishioners Tom and Maggie Carter are coordinating a trip in September 2022 to see the world-famous Passion Play of Oberammergau, which is produced in that Bavarian town every 10 years. The 2020 play was postponed until 2022 by the Bavarian government due to the pandemic. The 11-day Alpine pilgrimage to Germany, Switzerland, and Austria will take place September 12-22, 2022. In addition to the Passion Play in Oberammergau, the itinerary includes visits to Heidelberg, the Rhine Valley, Munich, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Altötting, and Marktl am Inn in Germany; Lucerne in Switzerland; and Innsbruck and Salzburg in Austria. The tour fee of $4,179 includes air fare from Washington, D.C., accommodations at first class/select hotels, admission tickets to the Passion Play, most meals, a professional tour director, and service charges. This trip continues a St. John Neumann tradition, as groups of parishioners attended the Passion Play in 2000 and 2010. Fr. Don Heet will be joining our 2022 pilgrimage. Flyers are available in the Narthex. For a detailed brochure, contact Tom at 571-643-9440 or For more information on the Oberammergau Passion Play, click here.


Scenes From WorkCamp 2021

From Monday, June 21 to Thursday, June 24, the St. John Neumann’s WorkCamp crew, composed of 28 young people in grades 9-12, and 26 adults, worked on five project sites around Herndon and Reston as part of the Diocese of Arlington’s WorkCamp program. The week started with training on June 19, and then starting on June 21 the students began their work. Camp wrapped up on June 24.

New Mass Times Do Not Take Effect Until Jul 10-11

Please note, that our new Mass times here at St. John Neumann WILL NOT start UNTIL the weekend of July 10-11. Starting that weekend, we will offer Masses at 5:00pm on Saturday, and then at 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am, 2:00pm (Misa en español) and 5:00pm on Sunday.  Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue through this period of transition.

Tenga en cuenta que nuestros nuevos horarios de misa aquí en St. John Neumann NO COMENZARÁN HASTA el fin de semana del 10 al 11 de julio. A partir de ese fin de semana, ofreceremos misas a las 5:00 pm el sábado, y luego a las 5:00 pm del sábado, y luego a las 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am, 2:00pm (Misa en español) y 5:00pm el domingo. Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión a medida que continuamos a través de este período de transición.

Women Giving Back Clothing Collection – June 19/20

Donation Opportunity: Women Giving Back

Women Giving Back provides clothing and other necessities to women and children as they rebuild their lives after leaving situations/ homes of domestic violence.  Women Giving Back serves over 700 women and children a month and is continuously in need of donations as their outreach has spread throughout the Greater Washington Metro area. This 501c3 non-profit organization supports women and children in crisis and serves as the first step towards stability by providing quality clothing at no cost, assisted by a caring and committed community.

What: Please consider donating washed, gently used women’s and children’s clothing and shoes (medical scrubs and maternity clothing are especially needed).

 When: Saturday, 6/19/2021 and Sunday, 6/20/2021

 Where: Drop off donation items in The Women Giving Back labeled box in the church hall lobby. The box will be collected on Sunday (6/20/2021)                                                                                       evening.

***Please do NOT donate: car seats, strollers, toys, furniture, adult books, event- specific t-shirts, used swimwear, used socks or underwear, bedding, men’s clothes.



WorkCamp 2021 Revs Up

On Sunday, May 16, the 2021 St. John Neumann’s WorkCamp crew began preparing to make a difference in the lives of others in June, as they met for the first time to “break the ice” and to begin the necessary work to become a cohesive team. Please pray that God will guide and bless these young parishioners and their adult leaders as they get ready to work.

April: National Child Abuse Prevention Month

Lea esta página en español

National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Click the graphic to learn more about National Child Abuse Prevention Month



To report child abuse or find support, call 703-324-7400.

To learn more about the ACTION Committee’s initiatives, visit or email Dennis at

“See what love the Father has for us, that we should be called Children of God.” -1 John 3:1-2

“During National Child Abuse Prevention Month, we draw special attention to the extraordinary responsibility we have to protect children entrusted to our care,” says Bishop Michael Burbidge of the Diocese of Arlington in his statement. One of the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching is the Life and Dignity of the Human Person, which includes children.

We all have children in our lives whom we serve as parents, grandparents, godparents, aunts and uncles, neighbors, teachers, coaches, and more. This month gives us opportunities to learn more about how to keep these precious children safe and to pray for a world that values the life and dignity of children.

Events at SJN are hosted by the ACTION Committee and the Parish Nurse.



Ongoing in April

Pinwheels for Prevention Gardens

This month you’ll see our Pinwheels for Prevention gardens on the church grounds. Pinwheels are the national symbol for child abuse prevention. The pinwheels represent childlike whimsy and lightheartedness and our vision for a world where all children grow up happy, healthy. The pinwheels are a reminder that we all play a role in children’s lives and we each have a responsibility to help prevent child abuse.
Pinwheels for Prevention: Prevent Child Abuse: All children deserve great childhoods because children are our future.

April 2

SJN’s monthly Prayer Vigil for Peace, Life and Justice (virtual, link on SJN website)
4:00pm – 4:45pm via Zoom

We’ll mark the beginning of Child Abuse Prevention month by praying that children will be blessed with safety at home, in church, in school and on the playground.

“Hear the cries of our brothers and sisters who have been gravely harmed, and the cries of those who love them. Soothe their restless hearts with hope, steady their shaken spirits with faith. Grant them justice for their cause, enlightened by your truth.” –USCCB
Through prayer, scripture, and song, let us continue to pray for those who have been abused.

April 23

Healing Circle
9:30am – Noon in the St. John Neumann Brown-McCarthy Auditorium

April 26

Healing Circle
7:00pm – 8:00pm via Zoom

April 30

Healing Circle
9:30am – 12:00pm, in the St. John Neumann Brown-McCarthy Auditorium


Looking Ahead

ACTION is hosting an Evening of Testimony on June 16, 2022 in the evening in the St. John Neumann Brown-McCarthy Auditorium. This educational event is offered in support of victims of sexual abuse, and will be presented by Teresa Pitt Green, founder of Spirit Fire, in conjunction with Dr. Frank Moncher of the Arlington Diocese’s Office of Victim Assistance. All are welcome to attend to better understand the insidious nature of this social phenomenon. Refreshments will be provided. Stay tuned for more information.

Ongoing all year

Support Groups for Survivors of Sexual Abuse
(All emails and group participation and discussions are held in confidence.)

For those who have experienced sexual abuse by clergy or others as a child or vulnerable adult, consider being a part of a local, independent, volunteer-based peer support group (not a therapy group).

The group is facilitated by Angie Boggs and is open to anyone who participates in a faith community and anyone who does not. Angie is a Catholic laywoman and circle keeper. She is a bioethicist and board-certified chaplain experienced in addressing secondary traumatic distress and moral distress in a large health system. Angie is a participant in the STAR (strategies for trauma awareness and resilience) program at Eastern Mennonite University and a participant in a survivor support group sponsored by the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Angie is a member of the St. John Neumann parish ACTION group committed to advocacy and reform.

Please email if you are interested in participating.


Mes Nacional de Prevención del Abuso de Menores«Mirad cuál amor nos ha dado el Padre, para que seamos llamados hijos de Dios; por esto el mundo no nos conoce, porque no le conoció a él.» -1 Juan 3:1-2

«Durante el Mes Nacional de Prevención del Abuso de Menores hacemos un llamado a prestar especial atención a la extraordinaria responsabilidad que tenemos de proteger a los niños confiados a nuestro cuidado» dice el obispo Michael Burbidge de la Diócesis de Arlington en su declaración. Uno de los siete temas de la Doctrina Social Católica es la Vida y Dignidad de la Persona Humana, que incluye a los niños.

Todos tenemos hijos en nuestras vidas a quienes servimos como padres, abuelos, padrinos, tías y tíos, vecinos, maestros, entrenadores y más. Este mes nos brinda la oportunidad de aprender más sobre cómo mantener seguros a estos preciosos niños y orar por un mundo que valora la vida y la dignidad de los niños.

Los eventos en SJN son organizados por el Comité de ACCIÓN y la Enfermera Parroquial.

Para obtener más información sobre el Comité de ACCIÓN, envíe un correo electrónico a Dennis Fargo a o visite Envíe un correo electrónico a la Enfermera Parroquial, Susan Infeld, a sinfeld@saintjn.orgPara denunciar el abuso infantil o buscar apoyo, llame al  703-324-7400.



En curso en abril

Jardines de “molinetes para la prevención”

Este mes verá nuestros jardines de “molinetes para la prevención” en los terrenos de la iglesia. Los molinetes son el símbolo nacional para la prevención del abuso infantil. Los molinetes representan el capricho y la alegría de los niños y nuestra visión de un mundo donde todos los niños crezcan felices y saludables. Los molinetes son un recordatorio de que todos jugamos un papel en la vida de los niños y cada uno de nosotros tiene la responsabilidad de ayudar a prevenir el abuso infantil.


Continuo todo el año

Grupos de apoyo para sobrevivientes de abuso sexual

Para aquellos que han experimentado abuso sexual por parte del clero u otras personas cuando eran niños o adultos vulnerables, considere ser parte de un grupo de apoyo de pares local, independiente y basado en voluntarios (no un grupo de terapia).

El grupo (en inglés) es facilitado por Angie Boggs y está abierto a cualquiera que participe en una comunidad de fe y a cualquiera que no lo haga. Angie es una laica católica y encargada de los círculos. Es bioética y capellán certificada por la junta con experiencia en el tratamiento de angustia traumática secundaria y angustia moral en un gran sistema de salud. Angie participa en el programa STAR (estrategias para la concienciación y la resiliencia del trauma) en Eastern Mennonite University y participa en un grupo de apoyo para sobrevivientes patrocinado por la Arquidiócesis de St. Paul y Minneapolis. Angie es miembro del grupo SJN ACTION comprometido con la promoción y la reforma.

Envíe un correo electrónico a si está interesado en participar. Todos los correos electrónicos y la participación y las discusiones en grupo se mantienen de forma confidencial.