Drink water and help construct aqueducts and wells and provide water filtration systems in impoverished rural communities around the world. This Lent you are encouraged to participate in the Wells of Salvation water for the poor project. The organization Cross Catholic Outreach uses donated funds from individuals and groups and puts them toward this project. How can drinking water help?
During any two weeks during Lent you are encouraged to substitute water for typical drinks that you enjoy, and set aside the cost equivalent toward a donation to the project. At the end of the period make a check payable to “St. John Neumann” with “Water Project” in the memo line. Drop off your donation at the Church office during office hours or at the Welcome Desk before or after weekend Masses through April 24.
Any questions about this project, contact Steve Knippler at sknippler@gmail.com.
Your support will help:
- install 65 wells to provide clean water for four communities in Ghana, six communities in Malawi and 55 communities in Zambia;
- repair an insufficient water system in Zambia; and
- build eight sanitary latrines in Ghana.