New Year’s at Saint John Neumann

 New Years Masses at St. John Neumann

New Year’s Eve
(Vigil for the Feast of Mary, The Holy Mother of God)

New Year’s Day
The Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God
Vigil for the Epiphany of the Lord

Please note, that there will be no 9:00am Mass on Friday, December 31.
Please note that there will be no 12:10pm Mass on
Monday, December 27, Wednesday, December 29, or Friday, December 31



Fair Trade Sale – November 28

The annual Fair Trade Sale on Sunday, November 28 after all Masses. A wide variety of products suitable for Christmas gifts will be available. Purchasing hand-made, high quality Fair Trade products empower those living in poverty to change their lives and their communities. Thank you for supporting the sale, your purchases can change lives! You can also purchase sale items online at anytime by visiting Use this coupon code – SaintJN2021 – and SJN will receive 10% of the purchase.


16th Annual Salesian Retreat

Navigating The New Normal
Salesian Perspectives on Learning/Living
in the Post-Pandemic World.

Saturday, November 5
8:30am – Noon
Brown-McCarthy Auditorium

Featured Speaker: Fr. Michael Murray, OSFS

 (Parochial Vicar at Saint John Neumann and Provincial Counselor, for the Oblate’s Wilmington-Philadelphia Province.)

This morning program offers the opportunity for participants to gather together in faith, fellowship and worship as a Gospel-centered community rooted in the Salesian tradition.

In this post-pandemic era, everyone has seen their lives and priorities change. How do we cope? How do we heal relationships? How do we support each other?

The retreat will help you identify ways you can begin to reconcile the changes in your life. Opportunities for Confession will be available during the retreat.

Registration is free, but free-will offerings will be accepted.

Register Here