Pastoral Plan 2021-2024: Outreach

Responding to the call to be a people of mercy and justice through compassionate service, we commit to incorporating Catholic Social Teaching as a living part of our faith and service, bringing the Gospel to bear on the issues of the day and to the challenges of our community through:
  1. Integrating Catholic Social Teaching (CST) into the Sunday Liturgy
  2. Linking the community to opportunities that will put CST into action
  3. Offering educational opportunities on how to advocate on issues that call us to be disciples
Lead Agents: Jo-Ann Duggan, Director of Outreach, and the St. John Neumann Social Justice Committee
  1. Integrate CST into the Liturgy through homilies and Prayers of the Faithful
  2. Offer service opportunities that contain an education component on CST to help parishioners better understand the connection between what they are doing and why
  3. Highlight advocacy issues (bulletin, website, after-mass presence) that align with CST and offer opportunities for parishioners to participate
  1. Continue CST integration into Sunday Liturgy – Prayers of the Faithful and homilies that connect CST with the Sunday readings
  2. Continue prayer services that focus on racial justice and other issues related to CST
  3. Offer interfaith service activities and connect it to CST
  1. Write series of bulletin articles on the seven themes of CST and connect each with service opportunities
  2. Offer Lenten Soup Supper series that will focus on CST, and why we are called to love God and love and serve our neighbor