Pastoral Plan 2021-2024: Worship

The heart of parish life is the celebration of the Eucharist, from which flows all our worship, sacraments, and prayer. St. John Neumann encourages the full, active, and conscious participation of all parishioners in the sacramental life of the Church. This includes:
  • Prayerful Sunday liturgy
  • Worship experiences celebrating the liturgical seasons
  • Sacramental preparation, including the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
  • Invitation and formation for liturgical ministers
Strategic Direction: St. John Neumann will engage all parishioners to fully participate in worship.
Lead Agents: Tricia Russman, CJ Capen, and the St. John Neumann Parish Liturgy Committee
  1. Continue to expand the livestream production and utilize it to extend our reach to those who cannot attend in person
  2. Catechize on the importance of the gathered community and the graces that can be had in the Eucharist as parishioners continue to transition back to in-person worship
  3. Increase a cross-generation of liturgical ministers through intentional one-on-one invitations
  1. Revitalize Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) & Family Mass to be more family directed and intentional toward that target audience
  2. Provide Time & Talents surveys and workshops to help parishioners discern where their gifts would best be served, to include engaging those that have recently received a sacrament
  3. Continue catechesis on the “whys” to the liturgy and ritual elements to enrich personal growth
  1. Suggest practical applications from weekend liturgies to help worshipers best see how they can be agents of the Gospel during the week.
  2. Create more worship opportunities where the English and Spanish-speaking parishioners can gather as one body.
  3. Invite greater discussion about vocations and expand the opportunities for devotional practices.