Pastoral Plan 2021-2024: Stewardship

St. John Neumann commits to being a good steward of the parish facilities, finances, and human resources that enable the community to pray, grow, and serve. Stewardship also involves empowering parishioners to use their gifts and competencies on behalf of the faith community, providing the necessary pastoral formation and support.  This includes:
  1. Parish administration and coordination
  2. Facilities management
  3. Financial processes, procedures, and reporting
  4. Identification of the gifts present in the community
  5. Genuine and intentional invitation to parishioners to serve in leadership roles
Strategic Direction: St. John Neumann will continue to engage parishioners in our commitment to effective and comprehensive stewardship.
Lead agents: Nelson Alvarez, Facilities Manager; Patty Kwapniewski, Office Administrator, and the Parish Finance Committee
  1. To engage parishioners in all aspects of parish life by:
    • Creating a central repository for St John Neumann volunteer opportunities where adults and families can sign up to “drop in” and share their time and talent
    • Showcasing our ministries and increasing the ease of locating other aspects of church life on the St John Neumann website
  2. To embrace Pope Francis’ seven-year Laudato Si’ Action Plan by developing a multiyear approach to increase sustainability in the holistic spirit of integral ecology
  1. To encourage exploration of the charisms and gifts by hosting the “Called and Gifted Workshop,” sponsored by the Catherine of Siena Institute
  2. To implement St John Neumann’s year one objectives in response to the Laudato Si’ Action Plan
  3. To communicate how contributions are being used to give witness to the presence of God in our midst
  1. To encourage all who participate in programs at St. John Neumann to feel welcome in and responsible for the facility and those around them
  2. To implement St John Neumann’s Year Two objectives in response to the Laudato Si’ Action Plan.