Masks are available in the Narthex from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. from Monday to Friday and from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. from Saturday-Sunday.
Masks are limited to two per family (while supplies last).
The SJN Salesian Protection Project started with an April phone call from one generous parishioner, simply stating “I have an idea.” John Reichart, like all of us, was thinking about ways he could have a positive impact during this health crisis. John reached out to our Parish Nurse to suggest a “mask making project” that he would fund. From that conversation on, it was all about relationships (and coordination), volunteers (and coordination), and supplies (more coordination)!
John’s concept swiftly became a small business for the team of Marianne Stana, Susan Infeld, RN, Jo-Ann Duggan, and Patty Kwapniewski.
Daily Zoom calls keep the team up to date with the many moving parts of this effort. The name “Salesian Protection Project” was the brainchild of Mickie Abatemarco, Director of Faith Formation.
We wanted the project name to reflect our love of Salesian Spirituality and to honor our Oblate priests. But there was another person we wanted to honor: Kathie Reichart, John’s beloved wife of 50 years. Kathie died in 2019 after a long struggle with cancer. Nevertheless, amidst his grief, John has given birth to a benevolent project to help safeguard parishioners during the pandemic. “Kathie’s Kits” include a mask, instructions, and a prayer to end the pandemic. All are placed into zip lock bags awaiting delivery to SJN.

“Do not worry about tomorrow. The same loving father who cares for you today will be there tomorrow and every day.” -St. Francis de Sales