SJN Pastoral Plan Survey 2025

We are currently reviewing and refreshing our Parish Pastoral Plan (PPP) to carry us to our 50th anniversary in 2029! Even as parish staff and members of the Parish and Finance councils are beginning the process of reviewing our present PPP, we invite your suggestions through our parish wide survey to help  us to determine how we together can continue to make good use of our God-given time, talent, and treasure in our daily efforts at “Living Jesus” in all aspects of parish life at St. John Neumann.
Directions: There are 22 questions, which are required to submit the survey. If the question does not apply to you or you don’t have an opinion, please select “N/A.” If it is a fill-in-the-blank question you cannot answer, please just type “N/A.”
THANK YOU for taking the time to complete this survey.


1. Which statement best describes your affliliation with St. John Neumann?(Required)
3a. Which SJN communication methods do you use for receiving SJN news and information? (Select all that apply.)(Required)

Worship: “We commit to engaging all parishioners to participate in worship more fully.”

1 (lowest)2 345 (highest)N/A
1 (lowest)2345 (highest)N/A

Community: “We seek to create a more inclusive community where all feel welcome.”

1 (lowest)2345 (highest)N/A
1 (lowest)2345 (highest)

Faith Formation: “We commit to fostering lifelong engagement in formation that flows reciprocally through all stages of life.”

1 (lowest)2345 (highest)N/A
1 (lowest)2345 (highest)N/A

Service: “We commit to incorporating Catholic Social Teaching as a living part of our faith and service, bringing the Gospel to bear on the issues of the day and the challenges of our community.”

1 (lowest)2345 (highest)N/A
1 (lowest)2345 (highest)N/A
1 (lowest)2345 (highest)N/A

Stewardship: “We commit to encouraging the community to pray, grow and serve, empowering all to use their gifts and skills on behalf of the faith community.”

1 (lowest)2 345 (highest)N/A
1 (lowest)2 345 (highest)N/A
1 (lowest)2 345 (highest)N/A


1 (lowest)2345 (highest)

Closing Thoughts

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Directions: To download and print, press the “Download” button at the bottom of the document and save to your computer. Once saved, you can print and complete. Please return to St. John Neumann or email to Thank you!

Printable Survey