2024 Thanksgiving Food Drive

Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for the least of my brothers, you did for me. ” (Matthew 25:40)

Feed the Hungry is the first Corporal Works of Mercy. Based upon Jesus’ teachings, works of mercy guide us in responding to the basic physical and spiritual needs of our neighbors.
In Matthew, Chapter 25, Jesus teaches that what we do for the least of our neighbors, we do for Him. Let us come together this Thanksgiving to care for our neighbors. SJN will be provide food for the Thanksgiving tables of 170 families in our community.
The 2024 Thanksgiving Food Drive will be collecting food October 22-November 17.
The following items are needed for this year’s Thanksgiving Food Drive:
  • Canned vegetables (please no green beans)
  • Canned fruit
  • Bottles of olive or canola oil
  • Instant potatoes, macaroni & cheese, stuffing
  • 2–5 lb. bags of rice
  • 1-2 lb. bags of lentils or dried beans
  • Boxed biscuit or muffin mix
  • Flour
  • Sugar
  • Boxed dessert mix — brownies, cake and icing, etc.

Food donations will be collected in clearly marked bins near the hallway counters.

We are also accepting monetary donations to support the Thanksgiving Food Drive. You may choose to donate online using the link below, drop off a donation to the SJN parish office, or place a donation in the Mass collection basket (please clearly mark checks as designated for the Thanksgiving Food Drive). Thank you for supporting the Food Drive!

Faith Formation Information

Each student in our Faith Formation program is asked to donate $5, which will be used to purchase Thanksgiving turkeys, and the grade-level food item as directed on the flyer below.
Faith Formation donations will be collected in clearly marked bins in the Faith Formation classrooms. Any questions may be directed to Phil Prinzivalli (K-5) at pprinzivalli@saintjn.org or Angela Davis (6-8) at adavis@saintjn.org. You may also call the Faith Formation Office at 703-860-2815. Thank you for your support!