Upcoming Events
In honor of the ending of Black History Month and the beginning of Women’s History Month, SJN’s Racial Justice Ministry Presents:
“The Six Triple Eight”
Brown-McCarthy Auditorium
Doors open at 6 p.m.
Film begins at 6:30 p.m.
We appreciate you RSVPing below to help us plan for refreshments.
Thank you!

Racism is evil because it attacks the inherent dignity of the human person, created in the image and likeness of God. The persistence of racism demands our attention now. Racism emerges in the actions and inactions of individuals; and it is embedded in our institutions and public policies. Our faith calls us both to personal conversion and to transformation of our society. – U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (2020)
Love compels each of us to resist racism courageously.
– Open Wide Our Hearts
Mission of the SJN Racial Justice Ministry
The St. John Neumann Racial Justice Ministry seeks to live Jesus by working to make our parish a positive force for ending racism in our society and in the Catholic Church.
· Through prayer, study, and dialogue, we educate ourselves and our fellow parishioners about the history, current prevalence, and impact of racial inequities in our society and our Church.
· We reflect on our own attitudes, behaviors, and experiences shaped by the realities of racial privilege for some and discrimination and burdens for others in our society.
· We advocate for public policies that uphold the dignity of every person and eliminate racial disparities.
· We foster a more inclusive parish community, including through ecumenical and social engagement, seeking to make our parish one where “All Are Welcome,” living up to our faith and our parish motto.
To download a copy of our brochure, click here.
Racial Justice Program
Our program has three main components:
1. A series of films, talks, and discussions. All parishioners (and guests) are welcome to participate in any of these events, without having to commit to the whole series.
2. A set of eight-week study, discussion, and action programs using materials from JustFaith Ministries, the U.S. Catholic Bishops, and others. Everyone is welcome to participate in these programs as well, but participants are asked to commit to the entire eight weeks of any programs they sign up for.
3. Membership recruitment and activities. Parishioners are invited to sign up for the Racial Justice Ministry email list and get involved in other activities, including advocacy, liaison with other ministries in the parish, and ecumenical/interfaith engagement.
Please see the information below and watch the bulletin for announcements of upcoming events. Contact racial.justice.sjn@gmail.com for further information or to join our email list.
Awareness and Advocacy
We recognize that racism is a sin, and we collaborate with other faith organizations to raise awareness of racism and to stop it. Our parish is a member of Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement (VOICE), and we support their priority issues through advocacy. Join our VOICE advocacy team by writing to sjnparish4voice@gmail.com.
We also partner with JustFaith Ministries in offering their racial justice programs at SJN: Faith and Racial Equity: Exploring Power and Privilege; Faith and Racial Healing: Embracing Truth, Justice, and Restoration; and Faith and Racial Justice: Changing Systems and Structures.
The Ignatian Solidarity Network also has programs, campaigns, and resources that educate on racial justice. Resources include “Racism Is a Sin / Black Lives Matter” yard signs and banners.
Past Racial Justice Ministry Events at SJN
Photos from the Racial Justice Ministry Meet, Greet, & Eat
October 7, 2024

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Remembrance Mass
January 14, 2024
Bishop Michael F. Burbridge, Celebrant & Homilist
Diocese of Arlington
Black History Month Celebration
February 10, 2023
Bishop Roy T. Campbell Jr
Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.
Featuring the St. Augustine Gospel Choir
Mass in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on January 14, 2024
Photo credit: Jim Hale, The Arlington Catholic Herald