When you click on the registration button, you will automatically be directed to the website of our vendor, Playground, to complete your registration.
If you have a current student at SJN Preschool, you will be directed to your existing Playground account to begin the registration process. If you are an alumni or new family, you will simply need to create an account with them; once you have built your Playground account, you can then proceed with registration. Please note that there is $125 application fee, which you will be prompted to pay by credit card during the registration application.
Once we have received your completed registration, we will respond with your child’s status within three business days.
Please Note a New Change to Age Eligibility for the 2 ½-3-year-old (Lamb) Class
Due to recent changes to Virginia Licensing Standards, we are now able to offer the Lamb class to children who turn 2 ½ by October 31, 2024, instead of September 30. Those children will be able to attend class once they turn 2 ½; for example, if your child turns 2 ½ on October 15, he or she will be able to join the Lambs class on October 15. This change is not reflected on any of our enrollment forms, as it is a newly adopted policy. Please note, September and October tuition will still need to be paid in order to hold the spot, and we cannot extend further than October 31.
Open Houses
Open Houses are scheduled in January of each year.
We still have a few spots left for the 2023-2024 school year. For more information, please contact us. You may also download the preschool application here.
The State of Virginia requires our preschool to have a School Entrance Health form completed by the student’s pediatrician before any child can start school. We also are required to verify every child’s identity by making a copy of the original birth certificate or passport. St. John Neumann Preschool does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, national origin, disability, or religion in its admission policies. Catholic teachings are included in the curriculum.