Gabriel Project (pregnancy assistance / pastoral care for pregnant women). Call them at 703-841-3810. Gabriel Project offers emotional, spiritual, material, and financial support to expecting mothers. Their Pregnancy Resource Centers (Offer free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds and other assistance).
Resources from the Catholic Diocese of Arlington and
the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
- Arlington Diocese Respect Life Office: arlingtondiocese.org/family-life/respect-life-office
- Catholic Charities – Diocese of Arlington:
- Pregnancy and Adoption Services: ccda.net/need-help/pregnancy-and-adoption-services/
- Unplanned Pregnancy Options: ccda.net/need-help/pregnancy-and-adoption/unplanned-pregnancy-options/
- Her Pregnancy and Life Assistance Network (HerPLAN) – Comprehensive Resource List: herplan.org/
- Option Line (help with unplanned pregnancies): optionline.org; 1-800-712-HELP
- USCCB Respect Life webpage: usccb.org/prolife/
- List of resources in the Arlington Diocese: gs-cc.org/wp-content/uploads/Catholic-Resources-for-Mothers-and-their-Children-061522-revised.pdf
Resources for Mothers and their Children
(including Women in Crisis Pregnancies and their Unborn)
Medical – Free/Affordable Prenatal Care and Referrals
- Catholic Charities Mother of Mercy Free Medical Clinic: ccda.net/mercyclinic or 703-335-2779
- Gabriel Project (pastoral care for pregnant women): helpforpregnantwomen.org or 703-841-3810
- Divine Mercy Care (provides life affirming healthcare to women in need) – Fairfax, VA: divinemercycare.org and Tepeyac OB/GYN (pro-life medical practice): tepeyacobgyn.com
- MaRiH Center (medical care and more): marih.org/
- A Woman’s Choice (medical care and support): awomanschoicecenter.com; Falls Church call 703-538-4305; Herndon call 571-599-2002
- Hope Pregnancy Center / Options Care Center (Falls Church): optionscarecenter.org
- A Best Choice Mobile Ultrasound (ABC Women’s Health & Ultrasound Center) – locations throughout Northern VA: pregnancyvirginia.com or 703-946-3077
- Front Royal Pregnancy Center: frontroyalpregnancy.org or 540-635-6181
Pregnancy – Counseling and Accompaniment
(Mental Health and Advising throughout Pregnancy)
- Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington Pregnancy Counseling and Contacts: ccda.net/need-help/pregnancy-and-adoption-services
- Gabriel Project (pastoral care for pregnant women): helpforpregnantwomen.org or 703-841-3810
- A Woman’s Choice (medical care and support): awomanschoicecenter.com; Falls Church call 703-538-4305; Herndon call 571-599-2002
- Birthright Center of Loudoun: birthrightofloudoun.com or 1-800-550-4900
- Front Royal Pregnancy Center: frontroyalpregnancy.org or 540-635-6181
Supportive Housing – Affordable Housing with Other Resources to Support Mothers
- Catholic Charities St. Margaret of Corona Transformational Housing: ccda.net/need-help/housing/family-housing-(st–margaret) or 703-910-4845; email: SMC@ccda.net
- Mary’s Shelter (Housing + Support) – Fredericksburg, VA: marysshelterva.org or 540-374-3407; email: info@marysshelterva.org
- New Eve Maternity Home – Winchester, VA: newevematernityhome.org
- Paul Stefan Home – Orange, VA (serving the greater Fredericksburg and Northern VA regions): paulstefanhome.org or 540-854-2300
Baby Resources – Baby Supplies (Clothes, Food, Diapers, Cribs, etc.)
- Project Manger – Cribs for Life (provides cribs): projectmanger.org
- A Woman’s Choice: awomanschoicecenter.com; Falls Church call 703-538-4305; Herndon call 571-599-2002
- Birthright Center of Loudoun: birthrightofloudoun.com or 1-800-550-4900
- Front Royal Pregnancy Center: frontroyalpregnancy.org/; 540-635-6181
- MaRiH Center (medical care and more): marih.org
- New Eve Maternity Home – Winchester, VA: newevematernityhome.org
- Paul Stefan Home – Orange, VA (serving the greater Fredericksburg and Northern VA regions): paulstefanhome.org or 540-854-2300
- Mother of Light Center – Alexandria, VA (meet a wide range of needs, from daily essentials of food & clothing to spiritual ministries of prayer, support and outreach): motheroflightcenter.com
Collaborating for Comprehensive Care
- Her Pregnancy and Life Assistance Network (HerPLAN) – comprehensive resource list: herplan.org
- Catholic Charities Diocese of Arlington – Pregnancy and Adoption Services:
- Unplanned pregnancy options: ccda.net/need-help/pregnancy-and-adoption/unplanned-pregnancy-options
- Adopt a Child: ccda.net/need-help/pregnancy-and-adoption/adopt-a-child
Help After Abortion
Project Rachel (provides counseling and healing retreats to those who suffer the effects of abortion): helpafterabortion.org or 703-841-2504/888-456-HOPE; email: info@helpafterabortion.org