In 2005, Fairfax County established the Hypothermia Prevention Program to provide warm, safe sleeping accommodations to people who are experiencing homelessness through the frigid winter months. The program runs from December 1, 2024, through March 31, 2025, this year, rotating between existing shelters and auxiliary programs at faith communities throughout Fairfax County. Each January, as part of the program, SJN hosts around 70 guests; this year we will welcome guests from the evening of Sunday, January 19 through the morning of Sunday, January 26.
This ministry is a wonderful way to be involved in our community. This is truly a corporal works of mercy mission. In addition to providing a warm, safe place to sleep, we provide meals, clothing, toiletries, and fellowship. This is an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ, and we hope you will join us in providing comfort and peace to our neighbors who are experiencing homelessness this winter.
It is strongly suggested that people in vulnerable health groups do not volunteer on-site. It is recommended that on-site volunteers be vaccinated this season. Before entering our shelter, guests and staff are screened for symptoms by the non-profit (FACETS or Bailey’s). However, guests are not required to be vaccinated or tested at regular intervals. Non-profit staff are required to be vaccinated. There will always be 4-6 non-profit staff members present at our shelter.
General Volunteer Information
All volunteers must be 18 years or older.
Please sign up each volunteer individually, even if you use the same email address.
Both a home AND work or cell phone number are required in case we need to contact you at the last minute.
Once you sign up for a volunteer slot, you will receive one reminder from Sign-Up Genius two weeks before your volunteer slot, and another two days before your volunteer slot is scheduled. Sign-Up Genius will send you an email confirming your volunteer slotonly if you request it when you sign up. We recommend requesting one to confirm your slot.
We will not use alternates unless a volunteer signed up for a particular slot is unable to work, or if we do not have the required number of volunteers signed up. In some cases, alternates will not know if they are needed until the last minute. If you sign up as an alternate, you are committed to be available for that time; please avoid making other plans; if we call you at the last minute, it means someone is sick, and we really need to be able to count on you.
In the event you are sick, please email, and we will contact an alternate volunteer.
Volunteer Training
Anyone working on-site during our shelter’s open hours who has not already attended an SJN HPW training should plan to attend either our in-person training or our training via Zoom. All volunteers should review the FACETS slideshow.
In-person training: Saturday, January 11, 2025: 9-10:15 a.m. in Room A2/3 at SJN, 11900 Lawyers Road, Reston, VA 20191. This training includes a tour of our facility.
Zoom Training: Monday, January 13, 2025, 7-8 p.m. Please use the Zoom link.
If you miss both trainings, please contact Pam Dister at
Additionally, here are two videos that are helpful for any possible accidental overdose scenarios where the simple administration of Narcan may be necessary. Narcan is stored with the AED units at SJN: Video #1 and Video #2.
Other Ways to Support:
Donate Casseroles
The weekend of January 4-5 baking pans with recipes and instructions for our popular casserole drive will be available on our hallway counters. Please follow the instructions and return casseroles the weekend of January 18-19.
Donate Supplies
The weekend of January 4-5, there will be a board outside the Brown-McCarthy Auditorium with tags for needed food, clothing, and hygiene supplies. Choose a tag and please return the specific item before January 12. Please note that we do NOT collect used clothing of any kind.
Donate Gift Cards
We collect $10 fast-food restaurant gift cards for our guests. These allow our guests to eat during the day and have a warm place to spend some time out of the cold. Gift cards can be brought to the Parish Office or given to a volunteer at the Welcome Desk before or after weekend Masses.
Monetary Donations
We are incredibly grateful for financial donations, which help defray the costs of bus passes and other necessary items individual guests might need. You may donate online below or donate in the offering or at the Parish Office with “Hypothermia” noted on the memo line.