Congratulations on your engagement! The Church rejoices with you in the love that you have found for each other! It also considers your love to be a symbol of Divine love. By virtue of the Sacrament of Matrimony, the Church believes that married couples signify and share in the mystery of the unity and fruitful love which exists between Christ and his Church. Married couples help each other to attain holiness through their married life and through the rearing and education of their children, and they have their own special place among the people of God. (Introduction to the Rite of Marriage, paragraph 1)
To begin your preparation for marriage, please make an appointment with one of our priests at least 6 months prior to when you would like to be married. You need to be a parishioner to begin preparations for the sacrament. You will be given the details of the documents you need to secure (license, baptismal certificates, and freedom to marry forms) and the steps you would need to take to complete your preparation for the beginning of your new life together as husband and wife.
You will meet with the priest (or deacon if he is helping prepare you) a total of three times for pre-marriage counseling.
AFTER meeting with a member of our clergy to finalize your wedding date here at SJN, please complete the form below to request a Marriage Liturgy Consultation to plan the liturgy. Please provide three date options for meeting, selecting the best meeting times (morning, afternoon, or evening) for your consultation options. Engaged couples should plan to attend a liturgy consultation at least 3-5 months prior to your wedding date.
A Wedding Coordinator will contact you two weeks prior to your wedding date to finalize any particulars and answer questions. These volunteers help set up for your wedding, run the rehearsal, and facilitate at the wedding ceremony itself.
Please contact the Liturgy Office to find out more! Call 703-860-6150.