Online Registration for the Children’s Faith Formation (K-5) and the Rooted Program (Grades 6-8) will be open for the 2025-2026 year from April 4 until August 10. Classes begin in September (See calendars).
Faith Formation Registration Fees:
One child – $135
Two children – $210
Three children – $250
If you need financial assistance or qualify for free tuition as a volunteer with next year’s classes, please contact the Faith Formation Office at or 703-390-2348.
St. John Neumann Faith Formation also includes Adaptive Religious Education (ARE) and the Family Program (Preschool-Grade 5).
To register your family as parishioners, please complete the SJN Family Registration Form, and return it to the St. John Neumann Main Office in-person, Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or via mail to 11900 Lawyers Road, Reston, VA 20191.