Main Phone Number (703) 860-8510 Fax Number (703) 860-2136 Email "*" indicates required fields I'd like to get in touch with:*The message you submit will send an email directly to the person you select here. the Parish Office (General)Jean Lupinacci (Director of Faith Formation)Nelson Alvarez (Facilities Manager)David Anderson (Accountant)Fr. Joe Brennan (Pastor)Silvia Bustamante (Secretary)CJ Capen (Director of Music)Kathy Dallessandro (Preschool Director)Angela Davis (Coordinator Grades 6-8)Jo-Ann Duggan (Director of Outreach)Amelia Gil-Figueroa (Music Librarian)Ann Hanover (Preschool Teacher - 3 Year Olds)Fr. Donald Heet (Parochial Vicar - OSFS)Duane Hyland (Communications Manager)Susan Infeld, RN (Parish Nurse)Patty Kwapniewski (Office Administrator)Eric Munoz (Youth and Young Adult Ministries)Fr. Michael S. Murray (Parochial Vicar - OSFS)Betsy Puzzanghero (Office Coordinator)Tricia Russman (Coordinator of Liturgy)Celia Sandoval (Hispanic Coordinator)Deacon Atanacia Sandoval (Deacon)Mary Steen (Office Secretary)Deacon John Wagner (Deacon)Your Email* Subject:* Message*Consent I agree to the privacy policy.If you should choose to provide us with personal information – by filling out a form and submitting it to us through the website – we will use that information to respond to your message and to help us get the information you have requested. Saint John Neumann Catholic Church does not collect personal information for commercial marketing or distribution to any private organizations.CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ