Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council is the principal planning body for St. John Neumann. Its 12 members, who serve three-year terms, function as advisers to our pastor on all aspects of parish life. The Council meets monthly to develop long-range goals, to monitor progress in meeting the parish’s mission, and to seek ways to deepen the faith life of the parish community. All registered adult parishioners are encouraged to consider serving as a Pastoral Council member. Contact the council at

Call for Nominations

Are you interested in becoming more involved in parish life at St. John Neumann? Perhaps you would like to help put our next Pastoral Plan into action or have ideas on how we can continue to grow as a faith-filled community?

The Pastoral Council’s focus is on engaging in the life of the parish through worship, community activities, and volunteer service.

An important role of a Pastoral Council member is to ensure that the voices of parishioners are heard and considered. Being a member of the Council enhances both your knowledge of the parish and your parish life experience.

Pastoral Council members serve three-year rolling terms, so there are always experienced members on the Council to orient new members. The Council meets monthly from September through June, making the annual commitment very manageable.

Current Pastoral Council Members

David Braun
(Recording Secretary)

Linda Ferguson

Thomas Flynn

Colin Frosch

Flor Graves

Fredis Guillen

Christine Hyland

Dan Rode

Tricia Russo

Lourdes Sandoval

Elizabeth Skarlatos

Jennie Uhl

Fr. Michael Murray, OSFS (Administrator)

Jo-Ann Duggan (Ex-Officio, SJN Staff Representative)

Finance Council

The Finance Council provides advice and counsel to our pastor about the financial aspects of the operation of the parish in keeping with the church’s code of Canon Law.  It develops an annual budget and insures that the parish exercises good stewardship in the use of its material gifts.  Members are appointed by the pastor. Parishioners with financial, legal, construction, general business, or fundraising experience are encouraged to make their interests known to our pastor. Contact the Finance Council at

Current Finance Council Members

Joe Burke

Cathy Cain

Dean Guerro (Chair)

Paula Kramp

Amy Persil

Tim Robinson

Chris Schroeder

Fr. Michael Murray, OSFS (Administrator)

Dave Anderson (Ex-Officio)

Patty Kwapniewski (Ex-Officio)