Please Pray with us During the Vatican Meeting on the Protection of Minors in the Church

Parishioners of St. John Neumann are encouraged to pray during the meeting on the protection of minors in the Church that Pope Francis has called for February 21-24 at the Vatican.  Please join our prayer chain and commit to an hour of prayer during this time.

Praying for the Church and the Church’s bishops is especially important as the Church deals with the sexual abuse scandal. Pope Francis called on the Church to pray and fast to “awaken our conscience and arouse our solidarity to a culture of care.” Bishop Burbidge asked for prayers for himself and his brother bishops during the US bishops’ General Assembly last November. We can continue to pray that the Holy Spirit lights the way for the Church.

Below are a few suggestions for this time of prayer:

Pray the Rosary:
Pray over Scripture:
Pray for victims healing from abuse:
Pray to live the Gospel and to be a disciple:
Pray for Pope Francis:
Read or sing the hymns, Veni Sancte Spiritus and Veni Creator Spiritus, as a prayer for the Holy Spirit to enlighten the church: and